Playful Kiss is a South Korean drama that is based on the popular Japanese manga Itazura Na Kiss by Tada Kaoru. The show stars Jung So Min as Oh Ha Ni and Kim Hyun Joong as Baek Seung Jo. It aired from September 1, 2010 till October 21, 2010 and had a total of 16 episodes. On November 2, 2010, a 7 episodes "Playful Kiss: Special Edition" was released on YouTube. YA Entertainment will be releasing the series on Region 1 DVD under the name Mischievous Kiss on May 31, 2011.
Plot summary
A high school girl named Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min) who is in the bottom of her class has had a crush on popular and genius male student named Baek Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong) ever since she saw him on the first day of high school. Ha Ni decides to confess through a letter, but is rejected by Seung Jo, who tells her that he hates stupid girls. Fate intervenes when a mild earthquake ruins Ha Ni's family's new house. While the house gets rebuilt, Ha Ni and her dad (Kang Nam Gil) stay at the home of her dad's childhood friend, who happens to be Seung Jo's father. Then Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong) falls for Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min) in a romantic and protective way.