
Cronology of City Conquest Fanmeeting in Japan 04102012

Interresting Highlights from City Conquest Fanmeet at Japan

Here are some of the highlights from today's fanmeet.


Another set of more detailed transcript of the fanmmet:

info source: aaron9999KHJ weibo

hee, 4D HJ has turned 8D ^^ he told the audience to eat & drink well... i.e. keep well so that they can spend 100th anniversary together ^o^

and oh, seems like there's already droolworthy scenes in ep1 of City Conquest #^.^# (topless...?)

this is Tv drama? pace's so fast it feels more like a movie, and like some major action blockbuster too! leader riding a motorbike, and there was a car explosion behind him... even as he's riding the bike, could see his broad muscled chest...

leader looks really good dressed up in kimono! can't wait to watch it!
(bb: they were airing sneaks from first 2 epis at the event)

"I, Baek Mir, love her and will live as her husband and I promise to never ever let her cry." ahhhh.... leader who loves so deeply...!

they also showed the boat scene with kissing footage...
and.... HJ said the character he plays is someone with a very hard and painful life~

HJ: in my mind, i remember dressing up in woman's clothes during a concert back in 2005. it's been a long time since i last dressed up as a woman. it's a rather big sacrifice for the drama... oh well, so long as everyone enjoys watching it... everyone, do look forward to it.

emcee asked Jung Yumi and PD about their views regarding HJ dressed up as a woman. HJ got somewhat shy (embarrassed?) as he was listening...
Yumi: there were many fans around during the filming, but he wasnt affected nor got embarrassed and carried out his acting. (bb: the chinese characters didnt appear properly here, so i cant translate... ^.^;)

PD: i already thought he'a really very good-looking man when we first met. after some contact, i feel he's very masculine... and after drinking with him, i feel he has a good personality and is very humorous! (i too wanna drink with leader!!)
Q: What's the highlight of this drama?

HJ: ... A lot of effort was put into filming the kissing scenes...

seems like the sneaks of the drama hinted that there's more than just kissing in that boat scene... (rock the boat, baby, lol!)

heard he's clad in all black, making him look even taller and leaner.

City Conquest said to have 20 epis~

ended.... he'd always give 90-degree bow at the end, each and every time without fail. am always touched whenever i see him do this.

the singing segment was fabulous tonight. a little different from the previous times. he even sang a song that he'd never sung live before. the emcee said this when everyone's leaving the hall, 'it's raining outside.'

he will release full album in japan come december..?!!'

.... will release a photobook in japan come december too...?!!

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